Hand, wrist and elbow surgery.

Major elbow joint disorders include epicondylitis ("tennis elbow"), arthrosis, arthritis, elbow immobilization, median, ulnar and radial nerve entrapment lesions. Among wrist joint and hand disorders are: arthritis, arthrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis stenosans (fingers and wrist tendon sheath disorder), contracture, sprung finger. More frequently arthritis and arthrosis of the wrist are reported.

Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease. Arthritis is accompanied by swelling, redness and pain in the joint area. In some cases joint dysfunction is also observed.

Arthrosis, or osteoarthrosis, is characterized by gradual destruction of joint tissues and, to a lesser degree - by an inflammatory process. Symptoms are similar to the signs of arthritis along with the crackling joints. However, pain occurs only when the condition becomes acute.

Hand, wrist and elbow surgery is primarily aimed at the treatment of joint disorders in order to restore their function and correct deformities. However, in Russia, arthrodesis is still the primary method of joint therapy. It requires immobilization of the joint, which significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life.

Therapy used at the Ortocenter (Germany) is much more advanced. At present, we apply different methods of surgical treatment. The most common of them are total replacement arthroplasty, arthroscopy, osteocartilaginous grafting. We use only conservative procedures and achieve good results with minimal invasion and short recovery time.

Treatment delivered at the Ortocenter is very popular, because our hand, wrist and elbow surgery policy is focused on conservative operations. By means of innovative methods surgeons of our center have achieved great heights, making it possible for them to treat all kinds of hand, wrist and elbow disorders. At the Ortocenter in Germany elbow treatment and hand surgeries are conducted by highly skilled surgeons using unique modern equipment. Here we perform the complicated operations with full recovery of joint mobility.

The Ortocenter is considered to be one of the best medical centers for hand, wrist and elbow surgery where highly skilled doctors develop their own methods of treatment. When a complex case occurs it may be possible to hold a consultation of the most experienced specialists in the specific field.

The best orthopedic surgeons in Germany, who work at the Ortocenter, guarantee an excellent treatment outcome.

Please contact us and we will answer all your questions and send your documents for consultation.


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