Knee disorders

Arthrosis is a condition of degenerative changes occurring in the intra-articular cartilage followed by its thinning and gradual destruction. Knee athrosis is known as gonarthrosis. At the beginning of the disease, pain in the knee appears only after physical load, and then becomes constant. It is accompanied by swelling of the knee joint, gait disorder and limited range of motion.

Therapy of knee disorders can be conservative and operative, the latter being resorted to only in the case of neglected disease with marked joint deformation dysfunction.

At the Ortocenter (Germany), we use inter-articular drug injections for early knee arthrosis treatment. This therapy helps to repair cartilage and get rid of pain. If necessary, surgical procedures are conducted. According to the new arthroscopic method, operations are carried out through small incisions. During surgery, free bone fragments are removed and the cartilage surface is leveled.

In some cases, artificial joint grafting is the chosen therapy in the case of knee arthroris, as the cartilage is thinned, completely destroyed and cannot be repaired. We perform partial or complete joint replacement surgeries. Otherwise, we replace the old prosthesis with a new one of higher quality.

Knee arthritis is an inflammatory disease. A patient suffers from pain, swelling, redness of the joint and gait disorder. Therapeutic methods are subject to the cause of the disease, and to a certain degree are similar to the treatment of knee arthrosis.

Arthritis knee treatment in a German specialized Ortocenter can fully recover knee function. This is possible thanks to:

  • accuracy of diagnosis and treatment options
  • the use of advanced optical and surgical instrumentation during arthroscopy
  • up-to-date methods of mechanical rehabilitation.

Treatment of meniscus disorders, knee bursitis and many other diseases – all these problems can be handled at the Ortocenter.

Knee treatment with further recovery at the Ortocenter (Germany) has several advantages:

  • due to the specifically oriented profile (orthopedics only), the center has an extensive experience;
  • works with the leading orthopedic surgeons in Germany;
  • employs highly skilled specialists with significant work experience.
  • has present-day equipment
  • provides high-quality treatment with the use of authors’ methods.
  • provides constant patient monitoring and quick rehabilitation.

You can contact us right now and receive answers to all your questions or arrange a visit to one of our experts. Just call us or fill in the form on this page.


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